Editing and proofreading services

With our editing and proofreading services, we ensure the application of language standards, which include grammar, spelling, typography, syntax, and style.
Originals and translations editing and proofreading services
The originals and translations editing and proofreading services must ensure the application of the linguistic rules regarding:
- grammar
- spelling
- typography
- syntax
- style
When it comes to correct or improve translations, we examine the text’s original version in its source language.

Three essential guides to edit and proofread
Language rules in force for each language.
Preferences or requirements of those responsible for the publication at issue.
A style guide application, when it exists.
Concerning the application of a style guide:
Any content review ensures that the outcome text adapts to the indications and preferences indicated in the style guide.
A style manual contains the rules that permit the unification of the exposition.
Its main objective is to provide the publication with uniformand consistent criteria, applicable to the different parts being published continuously.
It is particularly relevant to have a style guide in the case of:
- Projects involving different editors, because there could occur some type of inconsistency.
- Content that will be created separate meeting deliveries, so that the editors can review the revisions and follow the established criteria.

Translation proofreading
The translation proofreading results in two situations:
- As in the correction of source texts, we review the translated version as if it were an original, to comply with the:
- linguistic regulations in force for each language
- preferences of the specific project
- criteria of the applicable style manual if there’s one
- However, translations must also compare the resulting text, in the target language, against the source text in the original language.
It should be noted that the translator must deliver a translation after having reviewed it thoroughly.
Because a translation service itself can only be considered of quality if it includes a review by the translators themselves.
Due to this, the professional translators who examine their texts indicate:
- if any doubts arise
- and if it’s necessary to carry out any kind of research
or perhaps question the customer.
Even so, one should never leave the delivery of a rough translation to depend on an eventual response from the customers who have commissioned the task, as they might not necessarily know how to answer the questions raised.
That is why, in this case, the translators must suggest the best solution, since it is not possible to deliver a translation with untranslated parts because the answer is not readily known.
Translators must be researchers when working on the translation of a text, such that they must apply all of their analytical capacity to unravel any type of question that could prevent completion of the work.
Skilled translators deliver complete translations:
- Whether they had doubts during the job’s preparation or not.
- They also review carefully the resulting text several times separately in time, before submitting their work.
And of course, professional linguists complete their task within the timeframe stipulated by the parties.
In some cases, translations require a subsequent revision by a second translator, linguist, or specialist, due to different circumstances, such as a specialized text or the need to apply specific criteria by a second professional.
In this case, the reviewer must receive the source text and the resulting translated text, to be able to compare each phrase and word in detail.

Editing and proofreading services procedure
1. If the reviewers detect a fault or an inconsistency, they indicate it conventionally through an agreed control system of changes so that the changes can be quickly applied.
2. On the part of the reviewers, it’s necessary to bear in mind that one change leads to another so that if we modify one part of the text, we must realize that it’s related to others that follow in the exposition, which we must also adapt to the new situation. One attempts to maintain the concordance and internal coherence of all the involved context.
3. Once completed this work, and in the same way that the translators review their translations, the reviewers must also summarize their task and check the review.
4. In the end, the reviewers discuss with the translators on their work to decide on the necessary changes. If they arrive at some point where they cannot agree, the project manager can intervene to find the best solution between all of them
Supported by SIGNEWORDS’ editing and proofreading services, you can be sure that the language applied to each professional field is always the most suitable for each scenario and that you’re using it appropriately.
You’ll rest assured that your image will be well protected and that you offer the most competent and expert representation.
We take care that your content is correct in terms of language and adapts to your verbal and written communications.
We’ll consequently advise you on how to be well aware of the performance of language in communication.