English translation service
If you need to hire an English translation service with quality assurance, SIGNEWORDS provides two-way professional translations in English, Spanish, and Catalan.
Any other languages? We’ll handle them for you with our pool of trusted associates.

Seasoned English translator
The English language is used in both public (administration, television, and radio or education) and private sectors (written press, business, production, and social networks).
Consequently, it’s essential to provide a high-quality English translation service to satisfy the demand for information and communication in this language.
Therefore, I provide premium English translation services, delivering them already reviewed with my team of associate linguists.
A little history to better understand our English translation service
English is a Germanic language that has received French, Germanic, and Latin influences throughout its history and, thanks to its economic, military, political, and colonial impact, spread worldwide.
It is the official language of:
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Australia
- Canada
New Zealand
And the co-official language in some territories, such as:
- Bangladesh
- Cameroon
- Singapore
- Thailand
Third most spoken language in the world
To be precise, it is the mother tongue of 360 million people, and 508 million people use it as a second or third language. Research has calculated that, in total, there are more than one billion English speakers.
Therefore, it is viewed as the primary language of international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions, so they study it in schools from an early age. Only Chinese and Spanish surpass in terms of the number of speakers.
For these reasons, English is the most popular language on the net, and research has calculated that 13% of internet users use it as a vehicular language.
Consequently, along with Chinese and Spanish, it’s one of the languages that have experienced one of the most significant increases in internet users, with the number rising by 157%.