Corporations and Business Translations
Nowadays, international expansion is a significant achievement, so corporations and business translations have become indispensable.

Translate and localize web content for companies
Mere translation often falls short in the business world.
Particularly in a foreign marketing campaign, it is essential to take a step further into localization, which not only involves the translation of the text but also:
- takes into consideration the cultural factors that come into play when entering a foreign market and
strives to create a product that would appear to be locally crafted for the target population.
Word-for-word translations, like those produced by automated translation software:
- Often miss the original message and can make some embarrassing mistakes with dire consequences.
- Besides, regional differences in language can make a huge impact.
- A word acceptable in Spain, for example, might be considered offensive in certain South American countries.
Therefore, you need a qualified native translator who not only has a deep understanding of the source and target languages but is also deeply familiar with the audience’s regional linguistic characteristics and cultural background.
Such a translator will be able to:
- capture the message you wish to convey,
- express that message adequately to a particular demographic, and
ensure that your web content is relevant to precisely that target market.
For example, restaurants with locations all over the world, such as high-profile fast-food restaurants, need a translator to localize:
- the menu
the marketing campaign
And make sure to use culturally sensitive vocabulary and idioms that accurately convey the message and appeal to the foreign audience.
Types of Corporations and Business Translations
The types of texts that may require corporations and business translations in any given company are as varied as the broad spectrum of departments that they encompass.
Therefore, each particular situation will require a unique set of skills provided by SIGNEWORDS professional translation services.

Watch out for technical vocabulary
Due to globalization and electronic commerce, we see companies entering into foreign markets.
Corporations and business translations are multi-layered and full of different considerations that largely depend on each specific industry and your target market.
For this reason, at SIGNEWORDS, we provide you with some tips to take into account when hiring professional translation services.

Be aware of legal considerations in corporations and business translation
In any business, legal jargon may also come into play as you deal, for example, with licensing regulations, among many others.
Be aware that legal frameworks differ from region to region. So, if you’re negotiating some contract with a foreign entity, make sure your translator:
- meets the relevant regulations in the target region
has a firm grasp of the legal vocabulary involved
For example, if a German clothing store wants to open locations in Italy, it will need to hire a translator:
- Who is aware of the legislation in both Germany and Italy
- And acts as a sort of intermediary, ensuring that the resulting contract complies linguistically with laws in both countries
Remember that translation may affect the length of the text
Mainly if you’re translating visual media like:
- brochures
- flyers
- websites
magazine ads
We must keep in mind that specific languages are naturally lengthier than others, so the visual elements of the document may have to be tweaked accordingly.
- This means you will have to get a graphic designer on board to figure out how to fit that text in the allotted space by adjusting the font size or the images as necessary while still maintaining the aesthetic integrity of the piece.
- Or we will need to adapt the translation to the design.
For instance, translating a car ad in a magazine may require modifying the slogan to ensure it fits aesthetically into the logo.
As your professional translation team, SIGNEWORDS, will alert you on issues like this, so your team can plan.
Define expectations for corporations and business translations
Make sure you keep an open flow of communication between your team and the translators, ensuring that they understand:
- your company’s goals,
- the image it strives to project (formal vs. informal, for example), and
the deadlines you are up against.
As you can see, business translation is an inclusive term that encompasses many different types of translations.
A professional translation team like SIGNEWORDS will be able to provide encompassing many different translation types, to tackle any given translation task that comes up at any stage in your company’s development, whether that involves the translation of:
- a business proposal,
- maybe a brochure,
- or a contract.
So, how does this all play out?
Given that business translation is a broad category, here we offer a practical example of a situation that virtually any international business can relate to, which is online meetings with team members from all over the world.
Regardless of your industry, you will likely need to meet regularly, whether in person or via video call, with people within your industry.
For example, a pharmaceutical company that conducts clinical trials in multiple locations may meet periodically to keep headquarters updated on research progress.
The various satellite locations in Germany, Australia, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Italy, etc., conducting a particular investigational study to evaluate the safety of an experimental drug may need to translate:
- their research statistics,
- progress reports,
- regulatory documents,
financial breakdowns, etc.
Into an agreed-upon common language, such as English.
If there is no common language, perhaps an interpreter must be present at the meeting to conduct liaison interpreting.