Spanish Translation Service
If you need to hire a Spanish translation service with a quality assurance, SIGNEWORDS provides two-way professional translations in Spanish, English, and Catalan.
Any other languages? We’ll handle them for you with our pool of trusted associates.

Seasoned Spanish translator
The Spanish language is used in both public (administration, television, and radio or education) and private sectors (written press, business, production, and social networks).
Consequently, it’s essential to provide a high-quality Spanish translation service to satisfy the demand for information and communication in this language.
Therefore, I provide premium Spanish translation services, delivering them already reviewed with my team of linguists.
A little history to better understand our Spanish translation service
Spanish, also known in Spain as Castilian (Castellano) – having originated in the Castile region, is a Romance language of the Indo-European linguistic family.
- It evolved from Vulgar Latin brought to the Iberian Peninsula by the Romans during the Second Punic War that took place during the last decade of the 3rd century BC.
- It further developed based on several local dialects of Latin, especially following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD.
The oldest Latin texts which show traces of Spanish come from the 9th century.
Still, the first-known document containing notes in Spanish (and Basque) on the margins of a Latin religious manuscript, dated 964, was ‘las Glosas Emilianenses’ (Glosses of Saint Emilianus).
However, the first systematic written use of the language seems to have happened later in the 13th century in the capital of the Kingdom of Castile, Toledo, gradually spreading to other parts of Spain.
This process accelerated with the end of the Reconquista – the re-conquest of Spain by the Christian kingdoms that ended with the fall of the last Islamic state in the Iberian Peninsula – Granada, 1492.
Gramática de la lengua castellana by Elio Antonio de Nebrija
The same year, Elio Antonio de Nebrija wrote the Gramática de la lengua castellana, which appeared to be the first grammar book of a modern European language.
The Spanish language spread further around the globe from the sixteenth century onward with the arrival of the European to America and the Spanish colonization of what is now Latin America and southeast of the United States, as well as the Spanish East Indies, comprising the Philippines, the Mariana Islands, and the Caroline Islands
Later, in the early twentieth century, Spanish was also introduced to:
- some parts of Africa, namely Equatorial Guinea and Western Sahara,
- in addition to Spanish territories in North Africa, Ceuta, Melilla, and the Canary Islands.

Second most widely spoken language worldwide
While in the Philippines and some other areas, they later replaced Spanish with English and some local languages, it is still one of the most popular languages in the world.
Spanish is an official language in 21 countries other than Spain, including such states as:
- Mexico
- Argentina
- Colombia
- Chile
- Nicaragua
- Ecuador
- Bolivia
Consequently, Spanish is the second most-used mother tongue worldwide, with a total of above 400 million native speakers:
- Mexico contains the largest population of Spanish speakers with 114 million,
- followed by the United States with ca. 50 million,
- then followed closely by Colombia, Spain, and Argentina in respective order.
Spanish is one of the six United Nations official languages
Also used as an official language by the following entities:
- European Union
- Organization of American States
- Community of Latin American and the Caribbean States
Other international organizations
Globally, more than 450 million people speak Spanish, which has become the second most important language of international communication and the third most used on the Internet.
According to an Instituto Cervantes study, they expect that by 2030, around 7.5% of the world’s population will be Spanish speakers.
Thus, only the Chinese would exceed Spanish in terms of the number of native speakers.
This study also concludes that, in three or four generations, 10% of the world population will understand Spanish.
Studying Spanish in schools and universities has grown in popularity, and it is becoming increasingly popular in Asia, reflecting its importance in global markets.
The growing interest in the language and its future impact is evident as Spanish is currently:
- the third most studied language among foreigners,
- only behind English and French,
- and ahead of German.
This position means that around 20 million people study Spanish as a foreign language, and the numbers are growing.
One of the reasons for such popularity is also the fact that Spanish is relatively easy to learn, especially when it comes to:
- spelling
- reading
- speaking
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Still, when learning Spanish, one should be reminded of the words of the most relevant Spanish writer – Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra:
“Diligence is the mother of good fortune”
Spanish is a phonetic language, which means that one pronounces letters consistently as each letter represents a particular sound.
While the majority of Spanish words (around 75%) are derived from Latin, the language that has had the second most significant influence on Spanish is Arabic, so that ca. 8% of Spanish vocabulary is of Arabic origin.
Today, however, the foreign language exerting the most influence is English.
Spanish is written in the Latin script, with the only addition of the character ñ (eñe – palatal nasal ‘n’).