by Maria Rotger

Interpreters’ vs. translators’ skills

– ”Oh, you’re a translator? How fascinating!

– I’d love to be able to understand what people are saying when they speak in a different language!”

Regarding interpreters’ vs. translators’ skills, nearly all these professionals have heard this statement – or something to this effect – at least once in their life.

Because the person uttering these words is probably attempting to show their sincere admiration towards the fascinating decipherer of foreign tongues.

However, the reaction of the professional translator or interpreter receiving said praise is likely to be one of sadness or irritation.

Why? Because the innocent compliment-paying speaker has committed the cardinal sin of the translation and interpreting industry: failure to appreciate the difference between these two roles.

This article aims to dispel any doubts about these two professional figures once and for all and give a detailed description of each role, thus dotting the I’s (for interpreters) and crossing the T’s (for translators).

What is the critical difference between a translator and an interpreter?

There’s a gap between interpreters’ vs. translators’ skills because they overcome different challenges:

Therefore, both professionals transfer language but:

Each role requires a different set of skills.

A translator needs:

An interpreter needs:

There are, of course, specific skills that overlap:

  1. Both must have proficient or native-like knowledge of their foreign and source language(s) and culture(s)
  2. and they will, preferably, possess specialist knowledge of one or more areas of expertise.

Watch out for fake professionals when considering interpreters’ vs. translators’ skills

Most importantly, the above-listed skill sets are not inborn;

  instead, professionals must learn and assimilate them.

Unfortunately, the industry is teeming with people who improvise the role of translator or interpreter, using their bilingual or bicultural status to substantiate the claim that they are ”professionals.”

Although these attributes stand people in good stead, they cannot substitute formal training:

we can all rustle up a good meal for our friends and family without attending cooking lessons, but this does not make us professional chefs.

Anyway, it is essential to learn and hone the skills required to perform either role, and there are many universities and institutions around the globe which offer translator or interpreter qualifications,

  for instance, from degrees (BAs or Master’s) to certifications.

It would be impossible to list all institutions; expressly, regions, countries, and even cities may adopt their requirements and criteria.

It is, therefore, advisable for people interested in gaining these skills to research the options available in their own country.

Once in possession of a qualification, it is worth joining a global or national translator or interpreter association to keep updated on what is happening in the industry,

 finding translation or interpreting work, and networking with fellow professionals.

Check out, a video blog by SIGNEWORDS, and find more videos like this about communication through language!

🌎 At SIGNEWORDS, we integrate language consultancy and translation services in all languages. To check all our services and ask for a free quote, contact us HERE 

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