➤ Meetings that should be emails!
Exciting News! Our comic short "Meetings should be emails" is a: ⭐️ FINALIST at the following film festivals: -- INDEPENDENT SHORTS AWARDS -- CYRUS INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL ⭐️ SEMI-FINALIST at the: -- INDIE SHORT FEST -- INDIEX FILM FEST ⭐️ QUARTER-FINALIST at the: -- TOP SHORTS
ESP.- ¿Habéis notado que a veces las reuniones pueden ser una pérdida de tiempo?
¿Habéis pensado alguna vez… “esto podría haberse solucionado por email” ➤ Meetings that should be emails!
ENG.- Have you noticed that sometimes meetings can be a waste of time

“Get more effective communications!”
The highest fundamental reason why we organize meetings instead of writing emails. Communication.
Isn’t written communication as good as verbal communication?
We have everything in writing.
And we don’t have to wait for everyone to come because we know that we’ll indeed receive the email.
And we can capture everything we decide or reflect on in writing, return to it and review it …
Advantages of meetings being emails? There is more:
There is no time to go or return.
We can attach files, which we all receive.
We organize ourselves better because we work on the schedule that suits us.
By writing the ideas, we can delete them and sketch the email until the final one is sent, without wasting anyone’s time with decisions that change later on…