by Maria Rotger


OR TRANSLATING SUBTITLES – DUBBING – VOICEOVER OR SOME-MAY-THINK-CRAZY CRITERIA WHEN TRANSLATING FOR ENTERTAINMENT The entertainment industry translation needs a specific method with various particularities to consider, and the key is that language is used to be said and not to be read. In this situation, we can find two scenarios in which we: Receive […]

Las variantes del español │ Entrevista a Álvaro Martín

“El tiempo en que un texto en español peninsular servía para toda Latinoamérica ha pasado” Para hablar de las variantes del español hemos contactado a Álvaro Martín, corrector, redactor y presidente de la Unión de Correctores (UniCo). La globalización alcanza a todos los sectores profesionales.  La corrección de textos no es una excepción. ¿Cuál es […]

Communication before the internet │ Part 2

How media and information affect communication So, if the internet has only been around for a relatively short period in the grand scheme of things, why are we so dependent on it? When we step back and get a bird’s-eye view of the overall timeline of communication before the internet, we see an undeniable trend: […]

Communication before the internet │ Part 1

How was communication before the internet? We know. It’s hard to believe that people communicated without the internet once upon a time (not so long ago) → But there actually existed communication before the internet. ༄ Nowadays, the internet goes out at the office, and company-wide panic ensues. The alarms blare, people are astounded and […]

Copywriting conversacional como técnica

¿Sabes que el copywriting conversacional puede resultar muy útil para tu negocio? Quizá aún no sepas a qué nos referimos con el término copywriting conversacional. Por eso, te explicaremos de forma sencilla en qué consiste y qué pasos debes realizar para aplicarlo correctamente en la creación de contenido. Ya sabes que en el mundo del […]

Cómo traducir una página web

Necesito traducir una página web Si tengo que traducir una página web, ¿qué es lo que debo tener en cuenta? El momento de traducir una página web suele llegar cuando ya se han dado estos pasos: el contenido está escrito, las secciones de la web están bien estructuradas, el diseño ha quedado espectacular, las imágenes… […]


➤ Meetings that should be emails! Exciting News! Our comic short “Meetings should be emails” is a: ⭐️ FINALIST at the following film festivals: — INDEPENDENT SHORTS AWARDS — CYRUS INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL ⭐️ SEMI-FINALIST at the: — INDIE SHORT FEST — INDIEX FILM FEST ⭐️ QUARTER-FINALIST at the: — TOP SHORTS ESP.- ¿Habéis notado que […]

Aprender idiomas para comunicarse

Aprender idiomas para comunicarse con Christian Saunders “Mi trabajo no es enseñar el idioma, es ayudar a aprenderlo” El profesor de inglés y youtuber Christian Saunders, de Canguro English, nos habla de como aprender idiomas para comunicarse, ya que asegura que la única finalidad de estudiar una lengua debería ser la comunicación. ¿Por qué utilizas […]

Get your life goals with the help of words

How to get your life goals WITH THE HELP OF WORDS Use words to achieve your life goals by first finding the vocabulary that defines you. In the summer of 1999, Anna asked Paul a decisive question. In her gaze, Paul sensed she wanted to know more than the obvious. ANNA – When you look […]

Marketing y traducción sanitaria con Pablo Panella

Conversamos sobre marketing y traducción sanitaria con Pablo Panella  “Los avances tecnológicos moldean un paciente más comprometido y empoderado”  En cuanto a marketing y traducción sanitaria, Pablo Panella, vicepresidente senior de AstraZeneca para Europa occidental y mediterránea: comparte con SIGNEWORDS su experiencia en el mundo de las ciencias de la salud y nos explica cómo […]

Why language matters

Why language matters How many times have you used language today? Have you read a word on a sign? Or have you spoken to someone? Let words structure your thoughts? ➤ Language matters. It is an unsung hero that subtly permeates every aspect of our daily lives since language matters greatly, sometimes unnoticed. Aristotle postulated […]

How to translate English to Spanish in 5 tips | Watch video 🎬

Translate English to Spanish in 5 tips! 1st tip on how to translate English to Spanish: the form of address and the Spanish variant Like any other translation, in our 5 tips on how to translate English to Spanish, the first step is to identify the target audience. We want to translate into Spanish, but […]

Multilingual communications boost business

Check out how multilingual communications boost business Breaking down cultural barriers is essential to expanding your client base in the globalized world —being mindful that multilingual communications boost business. Are you looking to take your company to new heights in 2020? Note that multilingual communications boost business and start growing! ➤ It’s no secret that […]

Travel and tourism translation

Travel and tourism translation services Globalization has made travel and tourism more accessible, and travel and tourism translation more necessary than ever. It’s never been easier to hop on a plane and be halfway around the world in a few hours. A trip, by nature, involves the intermingling of cultures, and this industry reaches out […]